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It Really is a Small World

The last week has been extremely busy, yet enlightening. My book, Bridging the Gap was released on December 14, 2021 and like all authors with a new release, I had a launch party. Invitations were broadcast and plans were made. Except, mother nature forgot to listen. It is winter in Utah, after all. The turnout was smaller then I wanted because of a snowstorm and the accompanying winds. The people who stopped in, in spite of the weather, were amazing.

Thank you to my boss, who hurried over after a City Council meeting, a retired firefighter friend who was also in my martial arts classes and his wife who I know from my brief stint in the realty world. A fellow writer, who beta read my book as I did for his. Another friend who attends a writers group in the very building I held my launch party, and even another writer friend who is part of another group I belong to. The conversations were fun, educational, and I am grateful for the support. A few days later....

I held my first book signing event and the world got even smaller. The store ordered in the average number of books that normally sells during this type of event. I sold those out. Luckily I had extras in my car so the store bought those and I sold them, as well. I had one left and as I was walking to my car, was approached by someone, who bought it. It was a good day. Now for how tiny this world is. I saw a lady, looking through the non-fiction new releases nearby and approached her. I asked if she might be interested in a new release non-fiction from a local author. She looked at my book, then said, this might be interesting. She proceeded to share trauma that had occurred in her family. I listened, and she took the book home. Everyone has trauma of some kind in their life. Then an old high-school buddy, Mike, stopped in. He had driven 50 miles to support me and apologized for not getting through the weather a few nights earlier. No worries. Everyone is safe and it all got handled. Suzette, a friend from my previous job brought in three copies of my book for me to sign. She even brought her fiancee with her, who turned out to be an old dive buddy that I have known for over 20 years. Small world? The third copy was for her brother, who is an officer. Oh yes, I know him through a mutual officer friend and we had lunch together a couple of months prior to this. Smaller yet?

I felt I talked or listened to much, but the message I got is, that's what it is about. Everyone has trauma in their life and most don't talk about it or listen to it. Gee, that sounds like something in my book. I felt sales were hurt because I spent so much time with the people. I had a belief of mine reaffirmed. The sales don't matter. My goal is to help people make a difference in their lives and that is what I want my book to do also. When a difference is made, the sales will follow. A friend who has been in law enforcement for many years, commented, "I finished the book yesterday. Would love to talk about it. I even took some of your advice in the last 24 hours!! I'll tell you about it when we meet up." I look forward to that meeting. Yes, I see and hear a difference in this tiny world starting.

I am grateful to my new group of friends, who are also working hard to make a difference in the world of law enforcement. Randy Sutton of the Wounded Blue, Darren Burch and Jason Schechterle of "Badge Boys" podcast, Ken Frownfelter of "Whats a Hero" podcast, Jason Harney of Lightning Digital Entertainment, Chris Hoyer author of "When that Day Comes", Chris Gregorio Seattle PD, Sara Corell of "The Power of Our Story" podcast, Jamie Burton and Bobbie Henline of Bravo 748, Kate O'Donnel of "Public Grants and Training Initiatives and so many others who are working diligently to make a difference. They each give of themselves, over and over, reaching out to those they see in need, those who are hurting and seek assistance. These are the people who make the world smaller by reaching out to others to help them make their lives better. This reaffirms that it is the connections we make that make the world smaller. It is the service we give and perform, for the good of others that makes this world smaller. It is the quality of people we surround ourselves with that brings us closer and makes this world smaller. I am grateful to be on the same page as these heroes who put others first and create a better world through their actions. It is the season of giving, but that season is every day for these people as they assist our officers and troops in continuing to make a difference in our communities and the world. Thank you for all you do and for including me as one of you. Merry Christmas to all and I look forward to a great new year as we continue making a difference in this world and making the world a smaller better place.

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